Yamaha on Friday introduced the updated Fascino 125 in India with hybrid technology in an online event. This two-wheeler comes with the Smart Motor Generator (SMG). This means that the scooter will use the help of an electric motor to get power assist during take-off from a standstill or climbing up an incline.
The rider will be notified whenever the power assist features work on the instrument cluster. Yamaha is calling The new Fascino 125 a hybrid scooter by using this feature. It is still suspicious if the scooter will get any additional power and if this is only a marketing gimmick.
The new SMG feature gives the benefits like a silent start system and auto stop-start. Yamaha has addressed one of the biggest complaints we had with the Fascino and that’s the slim features list.
New Fascino 125 gets an LED headlight, with a bar-type LED DRL running across the center. The Chassis is the same as the previous generation except for the addition of stickers and new colors. The disc brake variant also gets color variants like Vivid Red Special, Matt Black Special, and Cool Blue Metallic. The drum variant gets a Yellow Cocktail color in addition to the other mentioned colors.
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The new Yamaha Fascino 125 is powered by a 125cc, air-cooled single-cylinder engine, which was the same found in the previous version. This engine can produce 8.2hp at 6,500rpm and 10.3Nm at 5,500rpm.
What's also new is the integration of Bluetooth with the dash. Buyers can now connect their new Fascino Yamaha Motorcycle Connect X App, with which they will be able to answer calls, locate the scooter, record riding and parking history. Yamaha hasn’t revealed any details about the pricing or when will it arrive.