Mahindra is always India’s pride towards the world. Mahindra's latest the Mahindra Thar was an instant success gaining more than 50,000 bookings since its release. While the new Thar is widely accepted, fans are also demanding a more conventional 5-door version. And it seems like Mahindra has given green light for a 5-door Thar with an expected release set for the year 2023.
The new Thar is built on a brand new platform and is powered by new engines. The 5-door Thar will be aimed at families who need that extra space with that rugged appeal and capability of the Thar. The added rear doors translate to a longer Thar with a longer wheelbase. We need to wait for some more time to see if the 5-door Thar will also be offered with both a hard as well as a soft top.
The Mahindra 5-door Thar is also expected to be powered by the same 2.2-litre mHawk diesel and 2-litre mStallion petrol engine mated to the same 6-speed manual and 6-speed auto transmissions powering the current-gen Thar. We need to wait and see if there will be any kind of bump-up in power.
Mahindra is aiming to capture a much more different segment in the market. With their current family-oriented lifestyle segment vehicle Wrangler already present in the market, it will be interesting to see how the Thar 5-door will be priced.
Source: Autocar India